Copying. For some, copying is unacceptable. For me, copying is something I’m learning. Everyone copies, it’s part of our lives.
For example, artists. They copy every time they paint their work. One comes up with a new way of painting and the other tries to copy it because they want to be able to do it too. They want to learn a new technique. And that’s what it’s about. To learn from each other. And it’s not just about shape, but also about color and style. From an early age, teachers teach us, through copying. When a teacher draws something and wants us to draw it the same way, it’s also a form of copying. Sometimes people don’t want to admit that they’re copying, so they call it inspired.
In the make-up industry, it’s exactly the same. How would new makeup artists learn techniques? They have to copy. They have to copy what someone has already done, because in this industry it’s about accuracy.
How did copying help me? If I don’t know something in the graphics program, I will find a tutorial and do what is on the video. So I copy what is there to achieve what I wanted and I am learning at the same time. Because next time I’ll know how to do it. And that’s how it is with everything.
We copy cooking recipes, fashion, art … everything. Copying is not bad to some extent. Anything too much is bad.